It was 1995 and I was on a sacred journey to the Yucatan with a
group of spiritual friends. Our intent was to go to the sacred sites, the Mayan ruins, and
assist in the opening of portals on some of the sites. We were at Uxmel, at the foot of
the pyramid of the magician, which according to Mayan records, was supposed to have been
created overnight by one of their gods. I felt drawn to turn around, and I looked at some
ruins around me, and at this portal or gateway, on the side of it, I saw this angelic
being! I immediately photographed it and I am happy to share it with you and your
visitors. Notice the cross on the forehead. Anyway, I knew then that we certainly were on
an enchanted journey by angelic presences.
Gaela, Nevada, USA
Gaela Spirit Art