Universal One Foundation

From The Children

Greetings beloved angels of all sizes and ages. This section is devoted to the works of Children under the age of thirteen. The information in this section will include quotes, artwork, songs and links...created and written by the Children. These blessed creatures harbor the same loving Spirit, as any older being, but they are consciously aware of their "inner child". A glorious combination!

The children of this planet make a difference now! Their influence will not be underestimated. Their innocence, laughter, joviality, fun, playfulness, logical interpretations of life and sometimes "uncommon", right-to-the-point honesty, are wonderful gifts to us.

Laugh out loud or be inspired by the beautiful wisdom, of the children, of The Universal One.

The Earth

The state of our civilization, our global priorities, and the promise of peace on earth!

"There would be peace on earth."

"Eliminate all war, hatred, violence, and disrespect."

"I hope there are no more wars."

"There would be no air, land, or water pollution."

"I would not let factories pollute the air and water."

"No one would be homeless and there would be no starving people - everyone deserves a good life."

"Everyone would have jobs - there would be no poverty and no diseases."

"When someone was sick, we would always find cures."

"Everyone would be happy and there would always be something fun to do."

"No one would discriminate against one another and no one would steal."

"If someone said the word, gun, you wouldn't know what they were talking about because there wouldn't be any guns."

"Everyone would get along, and no one would care what color skin you have."

"People would drive cars that wouldn't pollute the air."

"There would be lot's of rainforests and no endangered species."

"Everyone would be vegetarians."

"There would be no harmful drugs."

"When laws are made, taxes are raised, and Congress changes - I will make sure everyone has a say in it."

"Everyone would only have 2-3 children, maximum."

"We want nice air for us to breath in and birds to fly in."

"We want clean water to drink from and fish to swim in, everywhere."

"There would be no killers or people to beat you up because, have you ever heard of happy people doing that kind of stuff - I don't think so."

"If I could ask everybody in the world to do something, it would be JUST TO GIVE!"

"Quit making so much garbage."

"Have the community work together and take graffiti off the walls."

"Stop oil tanker leaks."

"Give blood to people who need it, and donate food, toys, and clothing so the needy can have something for their kids."

"Make more fundraisers to help the animals, cancer, and aids."

"Stop cutting down the rainforests."

"Instead of fighting, talk out your problems."

"Most of the wars come from people being afraid of people who are different - people shouldn't be like that."

"There is no use in fighting war - you'd save people, money, time, and tragedy if you would just talk."

"In my perfect world, there would be peace, love, caring, and people would be happy."

"We don't need wars to solve our problems."

"Everyone would be treated fairly - No one would be made treated like dirt, be pushed around, or made fun of. Not one person would be discriminated against."

"The rainforest is beautiful, but it won't be if you kill it."

"People all over the world would be peaceful."

"My perfect world would have lots of flowers, trees, friends, and animals."

"My perfect world would have a much better balance between the needs of the people and nature."

"I would try to make people talk out things before they got all their guns, bombs, and war machines."

"If someone became mean, there would be a device where you could just zap the person with it and they would be good."

"I would set good examples in the U.S.A. so the rest of the world would know what is right."

"Someday, I hope all these wishes come true."

"That is what my perfect world would be like, and I wish it were real."

"If there could be a perfect world, it would be just like....heaven."